
Admissions Information for Parents

Applying for a school place in-year 

An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year.

You can apply for an in-year place up to four weeks before the place is needed.  Exceptionally, parents seeking an in-year place starting in September 2023 can apply from 1 May 2023; the application will be considered on 12th June 2023 and if a place is available, it will be held for the child to start in September 2023.

The County Website

All information about applying for a school place is available on the county website at:, where parents can also apply online

Finding a School

Not all schools will have vacancies. Some will be full with a waiting list and so it wise to consider more than one school in case any are unable to take your child.

Use the school search to find Hampshire schools near to where you live.

Check the catchment school for your address.

When choosing a school, you must consider how your child will get there as you will be responsible for their travel arrangements and travel costs, unless you are eligible for statutory Home to School Transport.

How to make an in-year application

You can apply online for a place at any Hampshire School using the web address below.  You must send any supporting documents, such as evidence of a new address to the school.

In addition to making your application, you must provide the school with evidence of your child’s address, by providing any two of the following:

  • a driving licence
  • a council tax bill showing both your name and the home address
  • a utility bill (gas, electricity, water) showing both your name and home address
  • a bank statement showing both your name and the home address,

Or, if you are applying for a school place because of a house move or military posting, please read Hampshire County Council’s page to find out what evidence is required.

The County Council may investigate the residence details you provide. An offer of a place may be withdrawn if you provide false information.

Admissions Policy 

When processing applications for admission, the Admissions Officer will follow the criteria as outlined on our attendance policy.

The criteria for ranking applications is given as follows:

  • Children who are/were looked after by the local authority.
  • Children with an exceptional medical or social need – with supporting evidence provided by a doctor or consultant.
  • Children of staff at Shamblehurst who have worked at the school for more than 2 years.
  • Children living in the catchment area with a sibling already attending Shamblehurst Primary School.
  • Other children living in the catchment area of Shamblehurst Primary School.
  • Children living outside of the catchment area of Shamblehurst Primary School

Our full admissions policy is available to read online via the Shamblehurst Primary School website on our polices page, or at the bottom of our Admissions page.

Receiving the Outcome

In-year applications for Hampshire are processed at Shamblehurst Primary School by the Admissions Officer.

The Admissions Officer will respond in writing (by both post and email) within 10 school days but must respond in no later than 15 school days. The response will also be shared with the Hampshire Admissions Team.

Please note that our Attendance Officer does not work during the school holidays and will not respond to applications made during this time. If you have made and application during the school holidays, you will need to wait until the schools return for a decision.

If you are offered a place:

  • Speak to the school to arrange a start date.
  • Once a start date is confirmed – speak to your child’s current school to confirm their leaving date.

If you are refused a place, you can:

  • Add your child to the school’s waiting list.
  • Appeal the decision to refuse your child a place.
  • Contact the Admissions Team, who can help you find an alternative school place.

What happens if my child is on the waiting list?

If we are unable to offer your child a place at Shamblehurst Primary School, your child will be added to the waiting list for their year group.

All children in the waiting list are ranked by the criteria outlined above, and parents are welcome to contact the admissions officer to confirm their place in the waiting list.

If a place in a year group becomes available we will contact parents in rank order, the place will be offered, and parents will have a choice whether to accept or decline. If the place is declined by the rank 1 family, then it will be offered to the rank 2 place. This will continue down the list (if required) until the place is filled.

During August, all waiting list applications will be archived for a year before they are shredded.

If you do not wish for your child to be kept on the waiting list, please confirm this to the school.

Help finding a School

If you need help finding a school place for your child, please contact the County Admissions Team who will be able to advise you about the nearest school with a place.

County Admissions Team, Children’s Services Department, Elizabeth II Court North, Winchester, SO23 8UG. Phone:0300 555 1377 or email: