Charlie Mackesy Posters – W/B Monday 8th March 2021

Charlie Mackesy Posters – Week Beginning Monday 8th March 2021 

We are delighted that all the children are back in school.
This week we have focussed on our well-being. Class discussions have taken place around the positives and negatives of Lockdown. We have thought about what we missed most and what we can now really appreciate. Our learning has been based around the book by Charlie Mackesy, ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’. Some classes have studied the characters, some classes have written their own positive messages and all classes have been involved in creating some stunning artwork to support their thoughts.
We know that it has been a difficult time and it can be unsettling getting back into the routines of school, but we are extremely proud of how the children have adapted this week and we look forward to continuing our learning together. 
Thank you for all your support.